Barbell Medicine

The Barbell Medicine Website Editorial Team consists of Fitness, Health, Nutrition, and Strength Training experts. Our Team is led by Jordan Feigenbaum, MD, an elite competitive powerlifter, health educator, and fitness & strength coach.

Hack Squat Substitutes

Try These 12 Hack Squat Substitutes To Work Your Lower Body

The hack squat has become a popular exercise for isolating the quads. It is credited to George Hackenschmidt, also known as the father of the bench press. The exercise became a staple for many lifters from the late 1800s to the early 1900s and has remained popular ever since. If you’ve been lifting for a […]

Chin Up Alternatives Featured Image

These 10 Chin-Up Alternatives Also Train The Back and Shoulders

Chin-ups are a variation of the pull-up exercise. Similar to the pull-up, it’s done hanging from a bar and pulling your sternum towards the bar. When you’re doing a chin-up, instead of gripping the bar in an overhand grip, you use an underhand grip. Typically, chin-ups are considered somewhat easier compared to pull-ups as the […]


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