
Placebo Sleep?

A 2014 paper by Draganich & Erdal studied the effect of sleep on cognitive functioning in 164 undergraduate students – with an interesting twist. Participants were given a questionnaire in which they ranked how deeply they had slept the prior night on a scale of 1-10. Subjects received education about REM sleep and cognitive function, […]

What Grip Should You Use To Deadlift?

Updated 12.5.2024 The grip in the deadlift is an important piece to performing the deadlift. Not only do you need a strong grip to hold onto a challenging weight, but the type of grip used may require specific technique adjustments. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at how-to grip performance and the subsequent […]

General Strength Training Template for the Intermediate/Advanced

By Jordan Feigenbaum Now let’s introduce the concept of R.P.E., which stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion. The RPE scale was originally developed in the 60’s by Swedish psychologist Gunnar Borg and had a linear scale of 6-20. Each increment is associated with a subjective level of effort, with 6 representing a resting state and […]

The Fatal Flaw of (most) Physical Therapy

By Austin Baraki, MD, SSC This past week I was alerted to a new article in the journal Physical Therapy by Falvey et al. titled “Rethinking Hospital-Acquired Deconditioning: Proposed Paradigm Shift” (abstract, thanks to Dr. Scotty Butcher for the tip). It is an excellent piece in one of the leading Physical Therapy journals that provides […]

GainzZz™ in Clinical Practice Part IV

By Austin Baraki Sorry for the delay, folks! I’ve been busy graduating from medical school :). We’ve made it to the fourth, final, and most important article in our series. Before we begin, let’s briefly review what we’ve covered so far. In our first article we defined sarcopenia as a loss of skeletal muscle mass […]

GainzZz™ in Clinical Practice Part II

By Austin Baraki In our first article we defined sarcopenia as a loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. We discussed how disuse, poor nutrition, neuromuscular changes, hormonal status, and chronic inflammation contribute to loss of skeletal muscle protein. In today’s article we’ll examine the other side of the equation that affect skeletal muscle protein […]

GainzZz™ in Clinical Practice: Part I

This article begins a multi-part series discussing the growing problem of sarcopenia in our aging population. We will discuss our current understanding of sarcopenia, ways to identify it, and how to treat (and hopefully, prevent) it most effectively. This series is meant to complement this fantastic lecture given by Dr. Jonathon Sullivan (M.D., Starting Strength […]

7 Rules to Optimize Protein Intake

By Jordan Feigenbaum MS, CSCS, Starting Strength Staff, USAW CC, HFS In general, I am not a fan of rules, dogma, or rigid guidelines. That being said, what follows are what I consider to be the most important variables when it comes to optimizing protein intake for anyone. While there are sure to be inter-individual […]


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