
Nutrition Science, Part IV – Moving Forward: Improving the approach

It is important to note that the assumptions discussed in the last article are not arbitrary to the biomedical model, but legitimized through common sense in the context of a given research topic (32). A common-sense approach to nutrition, therefore, is one which can legitimize a modified approach to scientific inquiry into diet-disease relationships. Although […]

Nutrition Science, Part III – The Awkward Fit: RCTs and Nutrition ScienceNutrition Science, Part III – The Awkward Fit: RCTs and Nutrition Science

Nutrition Science, Part III – The Awkward Fit: RCTs and Nutrition Science

In the second part of this article series we discussed the utility, limitations, and misconceptions related to the prospective cohort design for nutrition science. As discussed in part I, the reductionist biomedical model and its gold standard randomized controlled trial (RCT) is ill-equipped for studying complex dietary patterns in a way that can effectively inform […]

Nutrition Science, Part II: The Prospective Cohort Design

Nutrition Science, Part II: The Prospective Cohort Design

In the first article in this series we discussed the history of nutrition science and traced its evolution alongside the biomedical model. We also introduced the discussion of nutritional epidemiology in comparison to the “gold standard” biomedical trial design: the randomized controlled trial. In this second article, we’ll discuss the utility, limitations, and misunderstandings about […]

Nutrition Science, Part I: How Did We Get Here?

Nutrition Science, Part I: How Did We Get Here?

To anyone versed in biomedicine, the so-called “hierarchy of evidence” is well-established and unquestioned. The randomized ,double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RCT) is considered the gold standard trial design, because it offers the ability to randomly allocate a treatment, minimize potential sources of bias, and compare the exposure or intervention of interest to a placebo. There is absolutely […]

The Pendulum of Specificity in Application: Part IThe Pendulum of Specificity in Application: Part I

The Pendulum of Specificity in Application: Part I

This article was originally published in September of 2014 as the first of four blog posts addressing  The Principle of Specificity. Since then, the coaches at Barbell Medicine have learned a great deal more about the topic and felt that these posts deserved an update and expansion. We’ll be releasing the updated articles and corresponding YouTube videos […]

When Logic Fails: Part 1

Take home points: I wrote an article titled Aches & Pains wherein I contrasted the traditional biomedical approach to pain with the modern biopsychosocial approach, which accounts for the complex interactions between biological, psychological, and social factors in the human pain experience. I discussed examples of how these issues influence the practice of clinicians including […]

Placebo Sleep?

A 2014 paper by Draganich & Erdal studied the effect of sleep on cognitive functioning in 164 undergraduate students – with an interesting twist. Participants were given a questionnaire in which they ranked how deeply they had slept the prior night on a scale of 1-10. Subjects received education about REM sleep and cognitive function, […]

The Importance of Singles

A little over one year ago I reached out to Austin Baraki in desperate need of coaching. Thankfully, he didn’t hesitate to accept the task and we immediately got to work. At first, he “triaged” my situation by correcting a number of technical errors that he observed after watching some of my training footage. After […]

General Strength Training Template for the Intermediate/Advanced

By Jordan Feigenbaum Now let’s introduce the concept of R.P.E., which stands for Rate of Perceived Exertion. The RPE scale was originally developed in the 60’s by Swedish psychologist Gunnar Borg and had a linear scale of 6-20. Each increment is associated with a subjective level of effort, with 6 representing a resting state and […]


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