
What Happens When a Powerlifter Goes to the CrossFit Games?

About two weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending my first CrossFit Games, held every summer since 2007 in sunny southern California. Let me just get this out of the way- I had a GREAT time. Truly. If you’re a fan of strength sports like Olympic lifting, strong man, or powerlifting then you’d absolutely love […]

GainzZz™ in Clinical Practice Part II

By Austin Baraki In our first article we defined sarcopenia as a loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. We discussed how disuse, poor nutrition, neuromuscular changes, hormonal status, and chronic inflammation contribute to loss of skeletal muscle protein. In today’s article we’ll examine the other side of the equation that affect skeletal muscle protein […]

Force Matters

By Austin Baraki   Introduction Today we’ll be discussing a paper published in the Journal of Sports Sciences in April of this year (see here)  analyzing the biomechanics of the vertical jump, power clean, and jump squat. The vertical jump is often used as a diagnostic test to evaluate an athlete’s ability to generate power; […]

Protein Slows Digestion? Nope.

By Jordan Feigenbaum MS, Starting Strength Staff, CSCS, HFS, USAW Club Coach In response to this gem of an article. I answered this on the Starting Strength nutrition forum, but I thought I’d repost it here. The article’s claims are italicized and my responses are in bold.  The food that we consume is absorbed and its nutrients […]

Top 10 Mistakes People Following Starting Strength Make

By Jordan Feigenbaum MD, MS, Starting Strength Staff 1) Not reading the book Seriously, most people who are doing “Starting Strength Novice Progression” have never even read the book. They got the “routine”, replete with rows in place of power cleans, of the Internet and are 100% unprepared for what this program requires. Further, because […]

Programming for the CrossFit Games Athlete Pt. III

By Jordan Feigenbaum MS, CSCS, HFS, USAW Club Coach, Starting Strength Coach Ahhh, deload weeks…..the week(s) that EVERYONE hates (including me). In this installment I’m posting how I’m letting my athlete do a mini-deload. I call this a mini-deload because it’s not a full-on deload where we are transitioning to a new cycle. Rather, this […]

Programming for the CrossFit Games Athlete pt. 1.5

Just a little pre-weekend update before I head down to Atlanta to hang out with the Starting Strength crew and help out at Rip’s seminar being held at AK CrossFit. Should be a good time, but I wanted to get into how I would go about identifying goals and programming them for the specific blocks […]


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