At-Home Template

This template is primarily aimed at individuals who want an option to exercise at home or other situations where they don’t have access to a gym.

Not Sure? Try a free 1-Week sample of the program.



At Barbell Medicine, our mission is to promote health and successful aging by bringing the best of modern medicine together with strength, conditioning, and nutrition.

Given that one of the main barriers to meeting or exceeding the recommended physical activity guidelines is gym access, we wanted to provide some options for those who need or want to exercise at home. Realizing that individuals may or may not have access to any exercise equipment, we developed two separate 8-week programs:

  1. No Equipment Program –  This template requires no additional equipment at all to complete and can be setup to be used by individuals at nearly all fitness levels.
  2. Minimal Equipment Program – This template is for individuals who have access to few dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, and maybe a pull-up bar, though this isn’t required.

Also included is a 40-page supplementary e-book.

In sum, we wanted to provide a resource to break down the barrier of needing access to a gym in order to be physically active. Meeting people where they’re at and encouraging positive behavioral changes is what we’re about here at Barbell Medicine.

A brief overview of the templates:

  1. You get to choose your own exercises based on preferences and current fitness level. Each workout is full-body and includes 4-5 exercises.
  2. The template is programmed for 3-5 days per week of training depending on how you want to break it up. Resistance training is programmed 3 times per week. Conditioning is programmed 2-3 times per week and there is an additional circuit workout. There are additional daily step goals included.
  3. Workouts will take about 30-45 minutes to complete for most individuals.

We thank you for your business and hope that you find the recommendations, explanations, and other materials useful. Thanks again and happy training!

Try a 1-Week Free Sample of the program:

*Customers receive lifetime access to support for this template via our Web Forum or through E-mail.  No refunds are available for downloadable products at this time.


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