Bodybuilding Template Bundle

These are our premier templates for those interested in maximizing muscular hypertrophy by using advanced techniques around isolation and training volume. The included templates contain (3) 6-week and (4) 8-week programs, respectively, including 2 eBooks for a total of 85 pages on the science of hypertrophy, nutrition, and how-to programming.

Now as a bundle, get both templates in the Bodybuilding family and save 15% off the cost of buying them separately.

Original price was: $125.98.Current price is: $94.49.


While similar to our hypertrophy templates, this series of Bodybuilding Templates starting with Bodybuilding I include more isolation work, more training volume, and some advanced techniques designed to maximize muscular hypertrophy.

That said, it is likely that some individuals will actually respond better (e.g. gain more muscle) to some of our other programs, given that there are large differences in how individuals respond to a given program. However, these Bodybuilding templates and accompanying text serve as a guide for prioritizing muscular size. Bodybuilding II carries on the program into more advanced techniques to maximize muscular hypertrophy with more programs and more specific information.

Who Should Use This Template?

These templates are designed for individuals who meet the following criteria:

  1. [Bodybuilding I] – Trainees who have been training for 6 months or more, who are looking to prioritize gaining muscular size. If someone is relatively new to training, we’d recommend completing our Beginner Template or Prescription first.
  2. [Bodybuilding II] – Trainees who have significant previous training experience (>12 months) training with barbells who are also looking to prioritize muscle growth.
  3. Individuals who have been focused on strength (e.g., they’ve been running a powerlifting- or strength-focused program or similar), who are looking to break up their training for 4-6+ weeks with a muscle size-focused program.

Finally, these templates can be run in either a calorie surplus (e.g., weight gain) or deficit (e.g., weight loss) depending on goals. See the nutrition section of this document for further discussion here.

What’s Included?

Here’s an overview of what to expect from this bundle with full details provided in the individual product pages for Bodybuilding I and Bodybuilding II:

  • Bodybuilding I features three 6-week program templates and a 25-page eBook discussing the science of hypertrophy, nutrition, and programming.
  • Bodybuilding II features four 8-week program templates and a 60-page eBook providing a detailed guide for prioritizing muscular size and programming.
Equipment Needs

All three templates allow the user to select the exercises they wish to perform, which run the gamut from typical barbell exercises (e.g. squat) to machine-based exercises (e.g. leg extensions).

It is possible to do the entire template with access to only a barbell, rack, and weights- though some of the exercise variation will necessarily be decreased AND, you’ll have to sub out some of the isolation work for bodyweight or barbell-based exercises. For example, instead of using a leg extension machine, an individual could do a banded leg extension sitting on a bench, a goblet squat, or box step-up.

Similarly, instead of doing a leg press, an individual could do a split squat. In short, more resources for equipment increase the variations an individual can perform, though they aren’t strictly necessary.


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