Includes a 16-week template with 3 blocks that focus on improving strength, size, and conditioning while improving your rowing skills! The template also includes substitutions for those who want to cross-train, as well as a 60+ page eBook discussing the science behind the programming, nutrition, and supplement recommendations.
Not Sure? Try a free 1-Week sample of the program.
Rowing and strength training go together like peanut butter and jelly, as rowing produces big improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness while being low impact.
While we’re big fans of pretty much any form of conditioning and believe it’s important for both health and performance, we do find that certain types of conditioning tend to do better for those who are also training hard with weights. If you’re looking for a great template to get stronger, gain muscle, and improve your conditioning through rowing, this template is hard to beat.
This template is designed to blend strength and hypertrophy training together with conditioning that’s focused on rowing. Due to the greater overall training volume, we recommend that folks have at least 6-months of dedicated strength training before using this template. If you’re just getting started in lifting, that’s great! We recommend our Beginner Template.
Equipment-wise, we recommend that folks have access to a barbell, rack, weights, a bench, and some sort of rower. Additional stuff like dumbbells, machines, etc. are all nice, but not necessary for this template.
Apparel-wise, having a pair of Olympic lifting shoes, cross-training sneakers to do conditioning in, and a lifting belt would be nice, but aren’t explicitly needed. Similarly, straps, wraps, etc. can be used as needed per the lifter’s discretion, but they aren’t explicitly needed.
This is a 16-week strength and conditioning program that includes 3 resistance training workouts and 3 to 6 conditioning sessions per week. Conditioning sessions are rowing-focused, but can be adapted to running, cycling, or using the ski erg.
Try a 1-Week Free Sample of the program:
*Customers receive lifetime access to support for this template via our Web Forum or through E-mail. No refunds are available for downloadable products at this time.