Titan II Template

The Titan II Template is a 10-week strength and conditioning program with 4-6 days of activity per week. It is the logical next step after completing our original Titan template, as it has additional training volume and resources dedicated to further developing the more experienced lifter.

Not Sure? Try a free 1-Week sample of the program.



The Titan II Template is designed for individuals who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have some previous experience (>3 months) training with barbells. If you’re new to training that’s great! We recommend our Beginner Template for those who have not been training with barbells consistently. Don’t worry, this template will still be available for you when you’re ready.
  2. Trainees who want to incorporate CrossFit-style workouts and training elements in their programming. The Titan Template includes elements of Olympic lifting, strength training, gymnastics, conditioning, and calisthenics and if that’s not your speed, that’s okay! In that case, we’d recommend either our Endurance or General Strength and Conditioning templates if you want a significant conditioning component to your training. If you’re looking for something more purely strength or hypertrophy based, we have other offerings for these applications as well.
  3. Individuals who have access to a CrossFit gym or the majority of the equipment in a CrossFit gym. Ideally, you’ll have access to things like barbells, steel plates, bumper plates, boxes, kettlebells and/or dumbbells, pull-up bars, airdynes, rowers, etc. Not all of this equipment if strictly necessary, but without the majority of this stuff it will be very difficult to perform the prescribed exercises and workouts.
  4. Trainees who are currently doing CrossFit at their gym who want intelligently- programmed strength training. It is 100% okay if you want to do our strength workouts and then do the workout of the day (WOD) with your friends in a class setting.
  5. Individuals who are not competitive CrossFit athletes. Simply put, the programming needs of a high-level CrossFit athlete are not compatible for most folks. Rather, this template is designed for trainees who want to get stronger, increase their capacity, and improve their skills in a systematic way- even if they’re not going to the Games.

This is the next step after completing our original Titan template, as it has additional training volume and resources dedicated to further developing the more experienced lifter. 


This is a 10-week strength and conditioning program that includes:

  1. Four strength-focused workouts with 2-3 exercises programmed followed by either a short metabolic conditioning (MetCon) WOD, skill work, or interval conditioning piece.
  2. The template also includes an additional longer metabolic conditioning (MetCon) and aerobic conditioning workout per week alongside some optional skill work.
  3. Overall, the template is designed for 4-6 days of activity per week that can be broken down like this:

a. Monday – Day 1: lifting and skill work
b. Tuesday – Day 2:  lifting and short MetCon
c. Wednesday- Aerobic conditioning effort + optional skill work
d. Thursday – Day 3: lifting and skill work
e. Friday – Day 4: lifting and MetCon
f. Saturday- Longer MetCon + optional Skill work
g. Sunday – Off

Exercise Selection

Equipment-wise, we recommend that folks have a pair of Olympic lifting shoes, cross-training sneakers, and a lifting belt. Straps, wraps, etc. can be used as needed per the lifter’s discretion, but they aren’t explicitly needed.

With respect to strength training, The Titan Template programs the variants of the clean, snatch, squat, deadlift, press, and bench press in order to improve the lifter’s proficiency in these elements through repeated exposure and progressive overload without specializing.

Similarly, we’ve programmed the MetCons and conditioning in a way that develops capacity in a wide variety of time domains (e.g. short, medium, and long efforts) and modalities (e.g. monostructural and mixed-modal workouts).

Finally, we’ve also programmed specific skill work to improve performance on things like double-unders, toes-to-bar, strict gymnastics, etc.

What’s Next?

After the Titan II Template you can pick a number of different paths. One option is to run it again if you saw good progress the first time. Alternatively, you could move to one of our other templates if you’ve identified a particular interest like powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, or similar. Finally, you could return to the programming you were previously doing to put all of your new skills to work!

Try a 1-Week Free Sample of the program:

*Customers receive lifetime access to support for this template via our Web Forum or through E-mail.  No refunds are available for downloadable products at this time.


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