Barbell Medicine


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Our templates provide programs of exercises to perform to best reach your goals. They offer specific or choices of exercises, programming for number of days of the week to exercise, sets and repetitions, and other details so that you’re armed with all that you need when you exercise. They also take into account the amount of experience you have and your preferences, such as how many days per week you have available to train.

The Endurance category is focused on conditioning and developing your overall fitness. Hypertrophy has a primary focus on building muscle size. Rehab is for those suffering from specific body part injuries that they would like to address with a tailored exercise program to return to full function. And, finally, Strength is focused on developing strength as the main goal above all others and perfectly suited for those casually or competitively engaged in weightlifting.

Because of the electronic nature of our product and to protect our intellectual property, we do not offer any refunds or returns on Template purchases.


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