jordan feigenbaum

In the Open: Nutritional Strategies for 17.1

17.1 (<<<PDF available here) A brief introduction and then we can get right into this. I’m Jordan. I’m a lifter, a doctor, and I help people with their nutrition, programming, technique, or existential crises. I’ve had the fortune to work with world-class competitors on many different stages including CrossFit Games level athletes. I get offended on […]

The Double Funnel of Programming

By Jordan Feigenbaum This post was inspired by a recent Facebook post of another coach, Jacob Tsypkin, owner of TZ Strength when he mentioned the idea of optimal exercise programming resembling a “Funnel.” This triggered a previously stored memory where I read of Canova and Gigliotti, two very prominent international-level endurance coaches, in the book The Science […]

Watch the Barbell Medicine Nutrition Seminar Online!

This past Winter Tom Campitelli and I once again toured through Europe. While in London, we visited CrossFit Perpetua where I did a nutrition seminar to a very small group- mainly because it was like a day or two before Christmas. Anyway, we recorded it, cleaned it up, and finally have uploaded it for rent […]

5 Fitness Myths That Need to Die

By Jordan Feigenbaum MS, Starting Strength Staff, CSCS, HFS, USAW Club Coach After explaining these same issues over and over again literally hundreds of times in great detail, I figured I’d put up an abridged version for the ADHD/4 hour work week crowd. These 5 common fallacies have been around too damn long and they […]

The Pendulum of Specificity Part II: Fatigue

By Jordan Feigenbaum MS Anatomy and Physiology, Starting Strength Staff,  HFS, CSCS, USAW Club Coach In part two of this series, we’re going to discus the concept of fatigue and review what we’ve learned so far (you can read the first part here). As always, we’ll start out by defining our terms so we can […]


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