
The Pendulum of Specificity in Application: Part IThe Pendulum of Specificity in Application: Part I

The Pendulum of Specificity in Application: Part I

This article was originally published in September of 2014 as the first of four blog posts addressing  The Principle of Specificity. Since then, the coaches at Barbell Medicine have learned a great deal more about the topic and felt that these posts deserved an update and expansion. We’ll be releasing the updated articles and corresponding YouTube videos […]

The Importance of Singles

A little over one year ago I reached out to Austin Baraki in desperate need of coaching. Thankfully, he didn’t hesitate to accept the task and we immediately got to work. At first, he “triaged” my situation by correcting a number of technical errors that he observed after watching some of my training footage. After […]

From the Newsletter: A Word on Salt

If you’re reading this, please raise your hand if you’ve heard the phrase “Americans eat too much salt” or, alternatively, that we should “cut back our salt intake”? Show of hands? Ah, yes- seems like everyone has heard that or even possibly said that perhaps. However, what does the evidence say about salt intake and […]

In the Open: Nutrition Strategy for 17.2

Week number 2 is here and guess what….more dumbbells! Great! Let’s get into it: The Workout: Duration: 12 minutes   Like last week, this has quite a big aerobic piece to it given the length of the workout and the different movements may allow those with a big engine to keep moving, provided their grip […]

The Grip Problem

This article was originally published on on August 3rd, 2016. I am reposting it on my own personal blog. All images are property of The Aasgaard Company and cannot be used without approval. The grip in the deadlift is an often overlooked yet crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to performance and the […]

The Beauty of the Bell Curve

By Austin Baraki, MD, SSC, ft. Leah Lutz “You refuse to settle for mediocrity in those around you, and you relentlessly push people to be the best version of themselves.” I received this compliment recently from a friend and client of mine, and it got me thinking. It got me thinking about my own experience […]

Training in the Dark

“Just keep putting in the work. You’ll be fine. You’re strong. You’ve got this. Focus, Jordan.” This was just some of my internal dialogue on the 25th of September last year (2014). I had just gotten done with some squats, which felt terrible at the time. They were heavy, painful, exhausting, and just about every […]

The Double Funnel of Programming

By Jordan Feigenbaum This post was inspired by a recent Facebook post of another coach, Jacob Tsypkin, owner of TZ Strength when he mentioned the idea of optimal exercise programming resembling a “Funnel.” This triggered a previously stored memory where I read of Canova and Gigliotti, two very prominent international-level endurance coaches, in the book The Science […]

GainzZz™ in Clinical Practice Part II

By Austin Baraki In our first article we defined sarcopenia as a loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. We discussed how disuse, poor nutrition, neuromuscular changes, hormonal status, and chronic inflammation contribute to loss of skeletal muscle protein. In today’s article we’ll examine the other side of the equation that affect skeletal muscle protein […]


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