Injury & Rehabilitation Management

Select your billing interval to get started. All ongoing plans include a one-time sign-up consultation fee of $125. 3, 6, and 12 month packages are discounted by 5, 10, and 15%.  A one-time consultation without monthly guidance is $250.

Not sure which plan is right for you? Click here to contact our coaching support team today.

From: $0.00 for 1 month and a $250.00 sign-up fee


Who it is for:

Do you have a new injury or pain that prevents you from training, leaves you unsure about what to do in the gym, or how to recover? Or have you had some long-standing ache and pain that you’ve been pushing through, maybe trying to ignore, but hoping it goes away? In either case, we highly suggest learning more about pain and injury, so we offer consultations with the Barbell Medicine injury and rehabilitation experts:

  • Derek Miles, PT, DPT
  • Cameron Clowser, DC
  • Charlie Dickson, DPT
  • Quentin Willey, DPT

Consults are for adults aged 18+ only.

Why this is for you:

Our Injury & Rehab Coaches offer one-time consults, OR a combination of an initial consultation plus rehab-focused programming and follow up over time. As evidence-based experts in the field, they apply a comprehensive biopsychosocial approach to guide your path towards normal function and performance. Join Injury & Rehabilitation Coaching and hit the road to recovery. Because of this highly personalized coaching relationship, there are options available to you: month-to-month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month. Once we have had a chance to review your form, we will be in touch with you regarding our recommendation and how we may best work together.


Consult + Programming, Consult Only, 12 Months, 6 Months, 3 Months, Monthly

Coaching Type

Pain & Rehab


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