Best Exercises

Hack Squat Substitutes

Try These 12 Hack Squat Substitutes To Work Your Lower Body

The hack squat has become a popular exercise for isolating the quads. It is credited to George Hackenschmidt, also known as the father of the bench press. The exercise became a staple for many lifters from the late 1800s to the early 1900s and has remained popular ever since. If you’ve been lifting for a […]

Chin Up Alternatives Featured Image

These 10 Chin-Up Alternatives Also Train The Back and Shoulders

Chin-ups are a variation of the pull-up exercise. Similar to the pull-up, it’s done hanging from a bar and pulling your sternum towards the bar. When you’re doing a chin-up, instead of gripping the bar in an overhand grip, you use an underhand grip. Typically, chin-ups are considered somewhat easier compared to pull-ups as the […]


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