

Creatine: Benefits, Side Effects & Safe Consumption

Creatine is one of the most widely consumed dietary supplements globally, accounting for an estimated $520 million dollars-a-year market by 2024. [1] On top of that, dietary supplements are quite popular, with approximately 75% of Americans reported taking at least one in the previous year. [2] Despite its popularity, many questions remain about supplemental creatine […]

Blood Pressure Test

Blood Pressure – Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Blood pressure is a key indicator of your health. This is why it is checked at every visit with a healthcare professional. Understanding this measurement will help you make sense of both your blood pressure and your healthcare professional’s advice. This article series will explain what blood pressure is, how to correctly measure it, and […]

Cholesterol Myths & Misconceptions

In our introduction to cholesterol article, we discussed the basics of cholesterol and blood test interpretation. We also covered the major factors that influence blood cholesterol levels to build a strategy for managing high blood cholesterol. Our discussion has been highly simplified for practical purposes, but the relationship between diet, blood cholesterol levels, and the […]

Cholesterol – Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Note: This was a 2-part series (Part 1 & 2) that we merged together. The concluding article (Part 3) can be found here: Cholesterol: Myths & Misconceptions. Cholesterol is a substance that plays many essential roles in the body. It is involved in things like the structure of our cells, brain and nerve function, and […]

Collagen Protein and Tendinopathy

Collagen is a protein found in many tissues in animals and humans, ultimately making up about 30% of the entire body’s protein content. Di Lullo 2002 While there are over 20 different types of collagen, the main types found in humans are I, II, and III. Type I is the most common and is found […]

Barbell Medicine Guide to Protein

The word protein is derived from the Greek proteios meaning “primary” or “taking first place.” This is appropriate, as proteins are found everywhere in the body, from skeletal muscle to visceral organs as well as the skin and blood. Wu 2016  What is Protein? Structurally, proteins are made up of individual amino acids linked by […]

The Science On CBD Oil For Health and Performance

Interest in cannabidiol – better known as CBD – has recently exploded in America, with an estimated 1 in 7 adults currently using a CBD-based product. Brenan 2019 This is big business, with a projected commercial market of $80 billion by 2030 and $20 million in research funding in 2019. Franck 2019 Medgadget 2019  Of […]

Science of Red Meat

The Science of Red Meat and Health

Meat is an important dietary component for much of the world, whereas the prevalence of veganism or vegetarianism varies widely in different countries. For example, India has the highest proportion of vegetarians at ~30% of the population, whereas only 5% and 2% of Americans are vegetarians or vegans, respectively. Going “meatless” is also on the […]

Handling Hunger

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, have ever missed a meal, or have even just driven by your favorite bakery…chances are you’ve experienced hunger. Hunger can be annoying, distracting, and is frequently blamed as “diet derailing,” yet it’s part of our normal physiology and something that can’t be avoided entirely. Background Hunger is defined […]

Nutrition Science, Part IV – Moving Forward: Improving the approach

It is important to note that the assumptions discussed in the last article are not arbitrary to the biomedical model, but legitimized through common sense in the context of a given research topic (32). A common-sense approach to nutrition, therefore, is one which can legitimize a modified approach to scientific inquiry into diet-disease relationships. Although […]


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