Army Combat Fitness Template

The program is designed for individuals who are new to training for any of the ACFT events and who are not already well-trained. The program also includes recommendations for experienced trainees who want to prepare specifically for the Army Combat Fitness Test.

Not Sure? Try a free 1-Week sample of the program.



Barbell Medicine teamed up with a team of past and present military personnel to create a training program for the new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). The program is designed for individuals who are new to training for any of the ACFT events and who are not already well-trained. The program also includes recommendations for experienced trainees who want to prepare specifically for the Army Combat Fitness Test.

The template includes the following:

  • 12 weeks of programming including 3 workouts per week
  • 30-page eBook describing the template’s design principles
  • Nutrition recommendations

Many individuals who are accustomed to the traditional 3-event APFT do not have experience with lifting weights, sprinting, or other skills such as pull-ups. A substantial fraction of individuals are therefore essentially untrained with respect to the new 6-event ACFT, and experience significant difficulty with several events – in particular the trap bar deadlift and leg tuck.

This template will expose the trainee to the necessary skills in a progressive fashion, such that a passing score will be achieved at the end of 12 weeks of training. The program is designed in order to balance the dose of training stimulus against fatigue and injury risk for individuals who are untrained in many of the events.

Equipment Requir3ments

The template is made to be versatile equipment wise and many substitutions can be made. At a bare minimum, here’s what we think you’ll need:

  • Trap bar
  • Plates
  • Pull-up bar
  • Bench press and rack
  • Weights to squat, press, and swing e.g. a barbell with weights, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.
  • Something to carry, e.g. dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.
  • Something to pull, drag, or push, e.g. sled, tire, vehicle, or similar.
  • Something to throw, e.g. medicine ball or similar

Download Instructions

  1. Using the link included in your email receipt (make sure to check the spam folder if you don’t see it), download the zip file onto your computer. Some phones and tablets will allow you to unzip a “.zip” file, however we cannot guarantee that this will work 100% of the time. We recommend using a desktop or laptop computer to unzip the file.
  2. Within the zip file you should have an instruction manual and a training template.
  3. We recommend duplicating the template you’re planning on using and saving it under a new name. We also recommend saving the templates you just downloaded in a safe and secure location so you have fresh one ready to go in future.

All of our templates are designed to be used in Microsoft Excel. They will also work using the “Google Sheets” application on Android and Apple products. Below are some links to these items:

Try a 1-Week Free Sample of the program:

*Customers receive lifetime access to support for this template via our Web Forum or through E-mail.  No refunds are available for downloadable products at this time.


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