General Strength & Conditioning Template

The General Strength and Conditioning Template is designed for Trainees who want to improve strength and conditioning in a variety of different contexts. In short, this is not a template focused on bodybuilding, powerlifitng, or endurance.

This is one of our preferred post-beginner templates for those who desire a general improvement in strength and conditioning.

Not Sure? Try a free 1-Week sample of the program.



The General Strength and Conditioning Template is designed to improve strength and conditioning in a variety of different contexts. This is one of our preferred post-beginner templates for those who desire a general improvement in strength and conditioning.


Who’s it For?

The General Strength and Conditioning Template is designed for individuals who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have some previous experience (>3 months) training with barbells. If you’re new to training that’s great! We recommend our Beginner Template for those who have not been training with barbells consistently. Don’t worry, this template will still be available for you when you’re ready.
  2. Trainees who want to improve strength and conditioning in a variety of different contexts. In short, this is not a template focused on bodybuilding, powerlifting, or endurance. Rather, this serves as a combination of these modalities without specialization in any one thing. This is one of our preferred post-beginner templates for those who desire a general improvement in strength and conditioning..


This is an 9-week strength and conditioning program that includes 5 workouts per week broken up as follows:

  • 3 strength-focused workouts
  • 2 GPP days including conditioning workouts (e.g. 1 anaerobic interval workout and 1 aerobic workout per week) and accessory exercises (e.g. upper-back, trunk, and arm work). The workout days aren’t set in stone, but we recommend the following training week:
  1. Monday – Day 1 lifting
  2. Tuesday – Off
  3. Wednesday- Day 3 lifting
  4. Thursday – GPP Day 1
  5. Friday – Day 5 lifting
  6. Saturday- GPP Day 2
  7. Sunday – Off

It is 100% okay to mix and match elements of the training week to fit your schedule, however we recommend keeping the putting the lifting days non- consecutively (e.g. M/W/F or T/R/Sat) when possible.

Exercise Selection

Equipment-wise, we recommend that folks have a pair of Olympic lifting shoes, running shoes, cross-training sneakers, and a lifting belt. Straps, wraps, etc. can be used as needed per the lifter’s discretion, but they aren’t explicitly needed.

With respect to strength training, The General Strength and Conditioning Template programs allows the individual to select the types of lifts they want to perform. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the tab at the bottom of the screen titled “Exercise Selection”
  2. Use your mouse to click the small gray arrow in a box pointing downwards to show you the options you can choose for that particular exercise slot.
  3. Click on the variation you’d prefer.
  4. Please select variations for all the available cells.

The General Strength and Conditioning Template comes pre-programmed with our recommended programming. We suggest users run the “default” program first or only change exercise variations they don’t have the equipment for or cannot perform. That being said, we feel that the variations available for selection are equivalent when it comes to training outcomes like strength and hypertrophy.

What’s Next?

After the General Strength and Conditioning Template you can pick a number of different paths. One option is to run it again using the same exercises if you saw good progress the first time. Alternatively, you could repeat the template using different exercises for a slightly different flavor. Finally, you could move to one of our other templates such as our Hypertrophy I, Powerbuilding I, Strength I, Titan, or Endurance programs.

Try a 1-Week Free Sample of the program:

*Customers receive lifetime access to support for this template via our Web Forum or through E-mail.  No refunds are available for downloadable products at this time.


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